2022-02-23 13:14:03 manageCourse.php (19) checking tablename : semester 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (19) checking tablename : semester 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (99) checking tablename : course & offer 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (101) checking semester : 1000003 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (102) filter Dep : 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (104) checking session type : student 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (107) stdId : 1000005 2022-02-23 13:17:43 manageCourse.php (138) sql : SELECT distinct c.courseId as cid, c.offerId as offId, c.courseImgPath, c.courseTitleTh, c.detail, en.enrollmentStatus as enStatus FROM (SELECT c.courseId, o.offerId, c.courseImgPath, c.courseTitleTh, c.detail FROM course as c, offer as o WHERE o.courseId = c.courseId AND c.courseStatus = 1 AND o.offerStatus = 1 AND o.semesterId = ? ) as c LEFT JOIN (SELECT courseId, offerId, enrollmentStatus FROM enrollment WHERE studentId = ?) as en ON en.courseId = c.courseId; 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (19) checking tablename : semester 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (53) checking tablename : course & offer 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (19) checking tablename : semester 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (99) checking tablename : course & offer 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (101) checking semester : 1000003 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (102) filter Dep : 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (104) checking session type : student 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (107) stdId : 1000005 2022-02-23 13:17:47 manageCourse.php (138) sql : SELECT distinct c.courseId as cid, c.offerId as offId, c.courseImgPath, c.courseTitleTh, c.detail, en.enrollmentStatus as enStatus FROM (SELECT c.courseId, o.offerId, c.courseImgPath, c.courseTitleTh, c.detail FROM course as c, offer as o WHERE o.courseId = c.courseId AND c.courseStatus = 1 AND o.offerStatus = 1 AND o.semesterId = ? ) as c LEFT JOIN (SELECT courseId, offerId, enrollmentStatus FROM enrollment WHERE studentId = ?) as en ON en.courseId = c.courseId;